Thursday, June 26, 2008

VBS 2008- Son World

The kids had a great time at Vacation Bible School this year. The theme of the week was Son World. The kids got to do a sort of simulated roller coaster everyday. This picture is from "crazy hat day". From L-R : Megan Kaperak, Carver, Sadie, Tegan, Cooper and Samuel Fast.
VBS ran from Mon-Fri. I worked in the nursery on Tues and Thurs. But, this is the 1st year in 5 years that I haven't done the music. It was nice to not have a big committment all week. It worked out well since Murray came down with a fever on Thurs. and battled it all weekend.
Danny took care of all the kids on Saturday so that I could work for Texas Joe's BBQ (our friends own this) at the RC Cola and Moonpie Festival. (Yes, we live in the South.)

More Father's Day Fun!

We spent a couple of hours at church in the afternoon helping to set up for Vacation Bible School.
Then came home and rested. In the evening we went to Crocket Park for a free concert. We took a picnic dinner and hung out with close friends- The Websters and The Smiths. It was a great time. The music was old time western hits.... not what we would pick... but, when you are there it's just different. It was very enjoyable! Carver, got Murray very excited with all his antics; which is evident from this picture.

Sadie took this picture of Kelly Webster and I. She got the scarf from Ashley Smith and put it around my neck.

This is Cooper and Savannah Webster cutting a rug- right by the trash can, great!

Sorry about the camera was trying to keep up with all their movement!

This one is for my Dad. Recognize that song? For the rest of you, enjoy watching Murray's cute little expressions!

Father's Day Morning!

So, it has been two weeks since I last posted anything.... Oh well, I shouldn't be surprised. Life has been busy.
Anyway, going back to Father's Day- Carver, Tegan, and Sadie all did artwork and then we printed them on transfers and made t-shirts for Danny. He loved them and has sported them often. I still need to do one from Cooper and Murray. We're working on that. so, we had a nice morning at home and then went to church. Neither Danny or I had anything we had to be at church early for. (Which doesn't happen very often.)
I am so thankful for you Danny! You are a devoted and caring husband, the wonderful Father of our five beautiful children, and the Lord is greatly using you and growing you in your ministry! I am amazed at all that the heavenly Father has done in our lives over the past 10+ years. What can I say?.... I love you and your still my favorite person to hang out with!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Summer Swimming Fun!

We went swimming last week at a friend's pool. Here are pics of Carver, Tegan and Sadie (with her little friend). (Sadie is on the left) Murray slept in the stroller most of the time. Cooper was at Mother's Day out at our church. I will post about him later.

We have been having very hot summer days- high 90's. So, we have been swimming in our pool a lot. Our kids have also been reading a lot for a summer reading program that our local library is doing. For every 10 books they read they get to pick a grab bag prize. There is a lot of motivation there. Carver and Tegan have both read 45 books. Sadie is working on 10. It is a little harder for her, b/c she isn't fully reading on her own yet. So, she has to rely on me and the boys to read to her.

Carver, Tegan and Sadie also got to go on a special outing with Daddy on Monday to the Adventure Science Center- here in Nashville. This was a reward for hours of outside work, including weeding. I was a bad Mom and didn't send Danny with a camera. But, the kids had a great time.

A Rare Happening

Last week we had some pretty severe storms one night.
I woke up in the morning and peeked in the kids rooms. Sadie had already come into our room in the middle of the night due to the storms, and Murray had a really tough night too. We were very surprised that the other 3 boys had not been up all night. (We had some majorly loud thunder!) This is what I found when I opened the boy's bedroom door. Awww!
Danny and I were quite certain that Tegan must have had a bad dream and climbed in bed with Carver. But, when Carver woke up he told us that he had a bad dream about a "computer monster" and woke Tegan up and asked him to sleep with him. You may ask why he would dream of a "computer monster". I have no idea....but, it must run in the family, b/c a couple of weeks ago Cooper awakened us at night saying that there was a "cereal-bar monster" in the woods. "I saw it out my window, Daddy!" Go figure!