Thursday, July 17, 2008

Random Pictures from a Random Gal!

Sadie's new routine of having Daddy brush her
hair every day.

Karen and her new buddy!

Murray expressing himself!

Riley and Sadie playing cards- when we went out to eat.

A Visit from a Friend!

Our friend, Jacob Ronan, from Rockford, Illinois came through town this week. And, we were able to visit with him a bit on Sunday evening. We all go back to our good old Master's College days. He is a music pastor, and shared some of the songs he had written with us. Sadie and Cooper especially got into it.

A Visit to the TN Air National Guard!

It has been a busy week with my Dad and Mom, a friend from CA. (Karen Roseberry), and our nephew Riley. Lots of fun though.! This is why I have taken so long to post something new. On Monday, Danny planned a surprise for all the kids. A friend from our church, works for the Air National Guard. So, it was worked out for Danny to bring our group out there. (All 11 of us!) Poor Shelly- she didn't know what she had gotten into. We toured the facility where they work... flight planning room, pilot's room, navigator's room, load master's room were some of the places we saw. Then we all were able to try on night goggles before we headed out to see the C-130.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Danny + Six!

Today, I worked for a friend of ours at a festival selling BBQ. So, I was gone all day. Danny had to take Carver to the Doctor to get his face checked out. He has poison ivy. But, he's fine!

My Mom graciously offered to take care of Murray. Danny got home and took all of the kids to the dump. (how fun!) But, they did each get to buy a pack of gum on the way home. Then swimming ensued, then lunch, etc... In the afternoon when I got home the boys had a little wrestling time. Danny was trying to exhaust Riley, who has been an insomniac since he got here. I think it worked.

More company from California!

On Thursday evening our nephew Riley came from San Diego to visit and he is staying for five weeks. We definitely won't be lonely this summer. It is fun to have so many visitors!

We have had a good time together. We went to Chik-Fil-A on Friday. If you came dressed like a cow you got free food. The kids all ate and then played in the play area for awhile. Some little girls that were there asked Sadie to play "Go Fish" with them. How cute! She loved it!

Vicki's Dad and Mom Arrive!

On Tuesday night my parents arrived from San Diego for a six week stay! Yes, I said six weeks...and yes, we love having my folks here. Anyway, they've been enjoying their stay. My Dad has especially enjoyed the thunder storms we've had this week. My Mom has found delight in reading her Bible and drinking her coffee, while rocking on the front porch every morning. Here they are on the front porch of our house. Why my Dad picked up this old scythe-I have no idea... "Green acres is the place to be...."

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The 4th of July and Ryan and Aimee's Wedding!

I did the unthinkable for a blogger and scrapbooker.... I didn't have my camera with me on the 4th of July. We didn't do much during the day.But, in the evening we went to Ryan and Aimee's wedding rehearsal- we sang in their wedding. And after that we went out the the Haskin's home for a wonderful dinner and fireworks. Our kids had a great time and it was a lot of fun! You'll just have to take my word for it.

On the 5th, Carver turned 10! hard to believe that our oldest is now in the double digits. We are having his party on the 14th. So, we will post more about that later. In the afternoon and evening we were at the wedding. Here are pictures. They had an awesome ballon artist for the kids. Great idea! I wish I had taken pics of some of the other creations, they were incredible.

When Daddy Came Home!

Of course the kids were all excited when Daddy got home from California. He brought them all little goodies from his trip. He also brought them a water balloon sling shot. So, on Tuesday we hung out all day, and part of the day consisted of filling ballons up with water and launching and throwing them in the yard. Danny went back to work on Wednesday.

Danny's Trip To California

Danny with Danny Danny with Matt Barnett

Danny with all the guys at Danny and Christine's Wedding

Ok... I know I'm so bad about backtracking.... Danny went to CA. from June 25th to the 30th. His childhood friend Danny James got married and he and several others guys he grew up with were groomsmen. He had a great trip and also got to see many others from our families. Here are some picture of he and his buddies.