Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Day in Downtown Nashville!

The morning we got back from our getaway we told the kids that they got to take the day off school. Much excitement ensued. We packed a picnic lunch and scooters and bikes and stroller (good thing we've got a beast to haul all of our stuff in); and headed downtown. We walked over the river on the pedestrian bridge. Then walked around the Schermerhorn building. Ate our lunch at Riverfront Park and then let the kids ride on scooters etc. all around the Titans stadium. We had a lot of fun. Jeremy (my brother)came with us too. Don't tell him I put this picture of him on here!

Twelve Years Ago...

At the end of Sept. Danny and I were able to get away for a couple of nights to celebrate our anniversary. We had a great and relaxing time!
We stayed at the Opryland Hotel. We went to the Melting Pot for the first time. We really enjoyed that!We have always wanted to do one of the river boat cruises, but didn't want to pay the hefty prices for the Gen. Jackson... So we went on an afternoon cruise on the Music City Queen. It was very enjoyable!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Welcome Baby Sydney!

We went last week to acquaint ourselves and rejoice over the arrival of Sydney. So precious and such a little miracle!

I'm out of control!

If I were in control our closing would have gone completely smoothly. If I were in control they would have told us that our Good Faith Estimate was over by about $5K and we would have gotten a hefty check. If I were in control we would have enjoyed showing the house to the kids last night and be having the carpets cleaned today. But, praise the Lord I am not in control. He has always proved to be our faithful and wonderful God. So we wait to see what he will accomplish thru this situation.
Here is a rundown....our closing went fairly smooth. We had to wait on the seller to wire his funds; but, it all looked good. Well, he did wire the money(he is out of the state)but,the bank had a communication problem and denied it. So, our title company had nothing in hand by 5pm yesterday. So nothing happened. Now we wait thru the weekend and it should all be a done deal on Mon. Only time will tell. So that is where we are at. We'll keep you posted. We are very thankful that we did not plan to move til next weekend.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

We officially have a "tween" in our house.

I really don't like the term "tween", but, now that our oldest just got braces... we can feel those teen years right around the corner. Carver will be 11 this summer and he will have his braces on til he is about 13ish. Anyway, he is doing great with them. His attention to detail is definitely paying off in the way that he is suddenly very interested in his oral hygiene. I guess the fact that he can earn prizes from his ortho. doesn't hurt either! You may think that his teeth don't look too bad in the before pic. However his bite is totally off and his top teeth are gradually pushing his bottom teeth backwards. Now he has a buildup on his back molars to keep his teeth from hitting eachother til they straighten out a bit.
Anyway, I have a lot more to update. Be on the lookout.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

An Update!

Ok! I know I am overdue to post some new stuff. I have several things to post that I will catch up on over this week. But, for now I just wanted to mention to whoever checks this that Danny is leaving this afternoon on a missions trip to Bangladesh. He will return on March 15th. There are several others from our church going. They fly to New York then Dubai then Dhaka. After that they travel to the town of Kushtia.
Please pray for their testimony. Also, they have had some pretty major things going on in their government as of late. You may have heard about this in the news. Obviously God is in control and we fully believe that He is sovereign. So we are not afraid; but ask that you would uphold us in prayer as we trust Him for whatever outcome He desires.
Thank you in advance. I will be posting more in the next few days.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Time For A New Post

I promise that more posts will be coming; but, for starters here are a few recent pics. Things are full speed ahead here. Christmas decorations packed away for next year, looking forward to the year ahead. We are in the midst of looking at houses as we prepare to move in April or May.