Monday, October 27, 2008

Our little guy is turning "1"!

I love this picture! So sweet!
It's very hard to believe and hard for me to admit that Murray will be a year old in less than one week. Yikes! Time flies. We are having so much fun with him!

Baking Fall Cookies

Last week we made sugar cookies and decorated them. We also watched, "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown". It's definitely Fall!

This is what you get when you combine a soggy diaper and velcro toys.

Toys that travel!

Fall is in the Air!

OK! So sad that it's been oh- almost a month since I blogged. Anyway, we've been enjoying the cooler weather, and the changing color. (One thing we love about living in the south.)
Today the high is supposed to be 52 degrees. We're loving it!
Here are some pictures of the beautiful color on our driveway!