Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sadie is enjoying first grade!

This is Shandy...Sadie brought her home last week from school. All the children get to take her home for a week and write in a little journal all the things they did with Shandy.
Sadie and Shandy had a tea party, and they also took a nap one day.
I can't believe that our little girl will turn 7 soon!


Nita said...

Yay! You posted! Thanks for the update. Sadie really is getting big. She came and talked to Cate for a little bit before Sunday School last Sunday and she was so sweet and mature. Isn't it amazing how they just keep growing and changing?

starbucksgirl said...

Sadie, you are the sweetest girl and we love you! We can't wait until you are big enough to watch Saavy. Your friends, The Websters