Thursday, September 18, 2008

No, we have not fallen off the face of the earth!

But, you'd think so, huh? It has been 2 whole months since I updated my blog. Pathetic! I guess I just got out of the habit of doing it weekly. You'd think now that Carver, Tegan, and Sadie have started school, I would have more time for this. However, life is still very full! Cooper is going to Mother's Day Out at our church on Wed. and Thurs. He finally loves it...that took a while. But, now he really enjoys going. Murray is 10 months old! I can't believe our little guy is almost a year old!
Anyway, here are some pics of the last couple of months.
I will try to do better at getting back in the routine. I didn't think anyone looked at our blog....until I talked to someone at church...thanks, Nita.
I just have to say that God is so good and I am so thankful for a God-fearing husband and 5 wonderful children. Every day I am reminded of what an overwhelming responsibility it is to be a godly wife and mother;and how much I fail at it. Praise the Lord that His mercies are new every morning and His grace is so amazing!


Anonymous said...

So funny...I was checking blogs today and started to not click on your because I thought, "I don't think Vicki blogs anymore." For some reason I decided to go ahead and check. :) Good to see pictures of you family! I hope school is going well for everyone.

Amber said...

I was actually thinking the same thing about what Janet said. I almost didn't click on your blog either. I'm glad I did. Nice to have you back!! Hope to see you soon.

starbucksgirl said...

I'm so glad you updated the blog. I like keeping up with what is going on with you guys. Nice seeing you today. Sorry I couldn't stop to talk. I was out shopping and then meeting the hubby for lunch today. Then back home to rest since I'm still feeling crummy. :(